Meet the Team

Pastor Jacob
Pastor Bethel P. Jacob has served as the senior pastor of Maranatha Full Gospel Churches since the inception of the church in 1976. Since the founding of MFGC, Pastor Jacob has worked tirelessly in leading this fellowship through many triumphs as well as trials over the last four and half a decades. Through his spiritual leadership, MFGC retains a strong focus on the Bible as well as in evangelism. Pastor Jacob has a heart for world missions, particularly in north India, having traveled there over a hundred times to start churches and Bible schools, orphanages, and to conduct evangelistic crusades.

Pastor Justin
Pastor Justin Jacob serves as the Assistant Pastor and Director of the Maranatha World Missions. He is the second son of Pastor Bethel P. Jacob. Born and raised in the United States, Justin carries a dual perspective with regards to ministry and culture, and the pursuit to meld diverse groups of people into one united church body with a common identity and purpose in Jesus Christ. Pastor Justin has traveled several times in missionary service. In addition to World Missions, he also leads the Spanish ministry of the church, and provides Malayalam-to-English translation.